Going Pro with Glowforge
Learn from entrepreneurs transforming their businesses-1
Group 6
Learn from entrepreneurs transforming their businesses

How to: 
Build a brand that
brings in business

Your brand is a huge factor in a customer's decision to buy from you — over 60% of shoppers say they actively buy from brands they know. 

In this video tutorial, Ryan will show you how to build your own memorable brand. 

Featuring Ryan, Founder @little.king.goods
Ryan, Founder of Little King Goods

How to: 
Find new customers
surprising places

Save time and money by bringing your manufacturing process in-house, literally. 

In this video tutorial, Mone't will show you how manufacturing from home opens up huge opportunities for new customers. 

Featuring Mone’t, Founder @theclearcuts
Monet the Clearest Cuts

How to: 
Set your prices to
maximize profits

Understand your costs and factor them into how you price, for wholesale and retail, to make a huge difference in your bottom line. 

In this video tutorial, Kara will show you how to price your products and make a profit.

Featuring Kara, Founder @kailochic
Kara, Founder of Kailo Chic

How to: 
Find your audience
using Instagram ads

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram offers a huge opportunity to connect with future customers.

In this video tutorial, Dana will show you how to use Instagram ads to grow your business. 

Featuring Dana, Founder @itskindasweet
Dana, Founder of Its Kinda Sweet

How to: 
Stay creative while
growing your business

Making art your business is a balancing act between creativity and effort. 

In this video tutorial, Chris and Kevin will show you how to scale your business efficiently to take creative risks. 

Featuring Chris and Kevin, Founders
Chris and Kevin, Founders of Blue Toucan Studios
Ready to Go Pro with Glowforge
Glowforge Printer Models
Little King Goods Wallets
The Clearest Cuts Earrings
Kailo Chic Wall Hanging
It's Kinda Sweet Decor
Screen Shot -4
Luxury bespoke leather goods from@little.king.goods
Beautiful jewelry without giant factories from@theclearestcuts
Keep your best selling products in stock@kailochic
From first sketch to sold out@itskindasweet
Transition to online selling without missing a beat@thefairydoor-1